Contact Education and Training Comittee
CAGT members run a variety of undergraduate courses, hosted by the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 either at the Faculty of Sciences and Engireening (FSI) or at the Faculties of Medecine, Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Pharmacy
Interested in medical studies ?
Pr Norbert Telmon is presenting the new options for accessing to medical school programms
Interested in anthropobiology ?
The University Paul Sabatier offers an Integrative Anthropobiology path as part of the Biology-Ecology-Evolution and Bio-Health graduate programmes, for both M1 and M2 levels. Anthropobiology M2 courses are also open to medical schools students or social sciences and humanities students.
Our teaching portfolio includes : (*)
L1 Health Studies (PASS and LAS)
- Society-Humanities (E. Crubézy)
- Medical anthropology (E. Crubezy and F. Savall)
L1-L2-L3 Life Sciences :
- Molecular Biology (A. Seguin-Orlando)
- Palaeoanthropology (J. Braga and A. Seguin-Orlando)
M1 Bio-Health :
- Methods and Concepts in Anthropobiology (E. Crubézy, S. Duchesne, M. Gibert, D. Marret, D. Rougé, F. Savall, N. Telmon)
- Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (F. Savall)
- Osteology : estimation of age and sex from skeletons or teeth (F. Dedouit and D. Maret)
- Morphology, imaging and data analyses (F. Savall)
- Identification and study of funeral ensemble (R. Colleter and E. Crubezy)
- Population genetics and human genetic variability (M. Gibert)
M1-M2 Biology-Ecology-Evolution and Bio-Health :
- Shapes and phenotypes diversification (J. Braga)
- Multi-scale biology : quantitative approaches (J. Braga)
- Anthropobiology and human ecology (J. Braga and A. Seguin-Orlando)
- Phylogenetics (J. Braga)
- Analytic methods (J. Braga, A. Seguin-Orlando and E. Crubézy)
- Palaeogenomics, genetics and population genomics (A. Seguin-Orlando)
- Adaptation and Human Ecology (E. Crubezy)
M2 Bioinformatics :
- System Biology (A. Seguin-Orlando)
For more information about our teaching program and on how to sign up for courses, please contact our Education and Training Comittee.
Students projects
CAGT offers opportunity for a variety of undergraduate student projects. If you are interested in a specific topic, please contact individual researchers.
Our PhD students are all registered at the Biology-Health-Biotechnologies doctoral school (ED BSB, Ecole Doctorale Biologie-Santé-Biotechnologies).
Open positions
We are always on the look out for new talents. If you would like to apply for your own funding to come and work with us in Toulouse, please contact the Education and Training Comittee, or CAGT’s director Ludovic Orlando
PhD projects
A PhD position in Genomic and Morphological Evolution of Mussels at CAGT is currently open. Application through the CNRS Portal – Closed
A PhD position in paleogenomics of large mammals is open, in collaboration with the Alvarez lab, Geneva. – Closed
Postdoc projects
Hiring a postdoc researcher for 2 years to help analyze an extensive panel of complete ancient horse genomes & more. #ERC_Pegasus info : – deadline for applying : 20 of December 2021 (start March 2022, duration: 2 years)
A postdoc position is available to work on genetic response to anthropogenic environmental change across multiple bird species, in collaboration with the French National Museum of Natural History, Paris. The project is funded by the French National Research Agency (project Suscept-Ext) – Closed
Thesis defenses
- Santé et environnement, à l’heure de la colonisation et des grandes épidémies du passé : apports des génomes et microbiomes anciens, by P. Clavel (September 27, 2023)
- Estimation de l’âge dentaire chez le sujet vivant : application des méthodes d’apprentissage machine chez les enfants et les jeunes adultes , by Antoine Galibourg (June 20, 2022)
- Suivi des modèles de domestication et de gestion des chevaux chez les mâles et les femelles à l’aide de séries chronologiques d’ADN ancien, by Noursen Ntoucha Ali (March 10, 2022)
- Etude épigénomique sur la domestication du cheval à l’aide d’ADN ancien, by Marine Poullet (March 9, 2022)
- Etude paléo-génétique de deux sépultures collectives du Néolithique (Mont-Aimé, Bassin parisien, 3500-3000 av. JC.), by Nancy Saenz Oyhereguy (May 27, 2021)
- L’audition : apports combinés d’une étude phylogénétique des gènes exprimés dans l’oreille interne chez les primates, et des profils de sensibilité auditive de populations humaines vivants en environnement acoustiques contrastés, by Andreia Moreira (April 19, 2021)
- Evolution de l’alimentation et de l’économie chez les Iakoutes du 17 au début du 20 siècle. Confrontations des données biologiques et culturelles, by Liubomira Romanova (March 23, 2021)
Invited seminars
- Phylogenetic discord in eukaryotic protein domains inherited from Archaea. Guillaume Louvel, Université Paris-Saclay (February 1, 2024)
- Playing the Isotope Symphony for Geolocation, Clément Bataille, Univ of Ottawa (November 3, 2023)
- Reappraising the palaeobiology of Australopithecus, Z. Alemseged, University of Chicago (October 26, 2023)
- Understanding the past through palaeogenomics, Mick Westbury, GLOBE Institute, Copenhagen (September 25, 2023)
- Tracing social disparities through diet: The AIDE project and isotopic analysis in archaeology, R. Colleter CAGT/INRAP, Action Marie Skłodowska-Curie : Inrap / SFU, Vancouver, Canada / CNRS-GET, Toulouse, France (May 23, 2023)
- Pathogen ecology and evolution using aDNA, Arthur Kocher, MPI-EVA in Leipzig (January 26, 2023)
- Etude de la décomposition des tissus humains en anthropologie forensique : apports de la taphonomie, Agathe Ribéreau-Gayon, Quebec Trois-Rivieres University (January 19, 2023)
- Special relationship: Poland and the Arabian horse, Weronika Klecel, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland (December , 2022)
- Genomic insights into the history of Oceanian populations, Jeremy Choin, Institut Pasteur Paris (September 29, 2022)
- The role of scientists in the climate and ecological crisis. Fernando Racimo, Globe Institute, Copenhague (September 29, 2022)
- An ancient DNA perspective on the origins and progression of the Second Plague Pandemic, by Maria Spyrou from Archaeo- and Paleogenetics Group, University of Tübigen (July 17, 2022)
- The genomic legacy of the Etruscans following the expansion of ancient Rome, by Cosimo Posth from Archaeo- and Paleogenetics Group, University of Tübigen (July 17, 2022)
- Bivalve shells as biological archives, by Franck Lartaud from the LECOB, (May 12, 2022)
- Computed tomography reconstruction for the reduction of the effects of high density inclusions, by G. Chinamatira, Univ. Wits, Johannesbourg, SAF (March 9, 2022)
- Genomic history of wolves and dogs, by A. Bergstrom (November 18, 2021)
- Genetic continuity in Southern Central Asia since the Iron Age, by P. Guarino-Vignon ( October 12, 2021)
- Interdisciplinary approaches in the analysis of ancient Streptococcus mutans genomes, by Megan Michel (October 5, 2021)
- Palaeoproteomic analysis for cultural heritage and molecular phylogeny beyond the limits of ancient DNA Palaeoproteomic analysis for cultural heritage and molecular phylogeny beyond the limits of ancient DNA, by E. Cappellini, Member of Univ of Copenhagen and leader of TEMPERA EU Network (November 2019)
- Evolution history of Chinese horses and identification of genes responsible for important traits. by X Liu (November 2019)
- Embodiment, social inequalities, lifecourse epidemiology, cancer and chronic diseases, interventions, methodology. by M Kelly-Irving, Toulouse University, France (July, 2019)
- Learning from the Past to Understand the Future of Ocean Ecosystems : Investigating Diatom Evolution through Ancient Sediment DNA. by R Ward, Harvard University, USA. (July 2019)
- Phylogenomics of multiple evolution of the C4 photosynthetic syndrome in grasses. by G Besnard, Univ Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier, France (February 2019)
- Utilizing a Dual Approach to Deconstruct the History of the Horse in the Americas. by Yvette « Running Horse » Colin, Sacred Way Sanctuary (SWS) USA, Indigenous Research Methodologies and Science (February 2019)
- Rongeurs et variabilité morphologique dans les registres contemporain et fossile. by S. Montuire, Univ of Bourgogne Franche Comte, France (January 2019)
- Reconstituted past : from animal behaviour to hunting practices at the end of Upper Palaeolithic. O Bignon-Lau, University Paris-Nanterre, France (January 2019)
- What we can learn from ancient genomics. Eske Willerslev, Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (January 2019)