CNRS missions procedures

Nouvel état de frais

Infos gestlab – demande de mission

Remind of CNRS mission procedures.

To prepare your mission:
– Complete and send me the « demande d’ordre de mission » (doc joint). Attach any elements (seminar programme, invitation…) related to the mission.
– Book your ticket or/and the hotel on RYDOO

For your mission planned abroad, you must complete, before your departure, the declaration of this mission in the SAME application.

Some countries may present special risks, for this purpose consult the website of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) ; when the mission is planned in a country at risk, it is obligatory to ask, 3 weeks before departure, the validation of the Director of Safety of the CNRS (attached document to be completed and sent to me)

After the mission:
Whether or not you have incurred expenses during your mission, it is imperative that you complete a statement of expenses, sign it and forward it to me. (new statement of costs attached to use imperatively)
If you incurred expenses during your mission, all original expense vouchers must be included.

You can find all the informaitons and steps to follow, as well as all the useful documents on the intranet link :