ANR WomenSoFar

Individual life histories and WOMEN Status at the Onset of FARming. Bioarchaeological perspectives in the French and Mediterranean Prehistoric context

WomenSOFar website

Women are central in the neolithisation process. The ways they are involved in the societies are determined by social organizations and local patterns according to the environment and the subsistence economy. The WomenSOFar project aims at documenting how females eat, move, care for and work among the early agropastoralists societies of the Neolithic (6th-4th mill. BC) in different ecological areas in France and the Mediterranean area. It proposes a unique multi-disciplinary approach combining environmental, biochemical, cultural and biological data obtained on human remains. The project expects to test the hypotheses of females vs. males’ dietary diversity and mobility; it also expects to highlight specific weaning strategies, potential early life mobility and to correlate health and activities to the biogeochemical markers. The project aims at contributing to our understanding on the origin of our modern life societies and the diversity of females vs. males’ social burdens.

PROJECT COORDINATOR : Gwenaëlle GOUDE (Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique)

Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2022 – 48 Month

Project financed by the ANR (ANR-21-CE03-0008)